Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Revolutionizing cg

Found this on Geekologie. It's kind of old news but still amazing. I've always hoped cg would advance to the point where it isn't computer generated images, but computer generated reality. See what I did there?


  1. Wow, CG has come a long way since Battlezone.

  2. I saw what you did there. Man that's crazy.

  3. Wow really nice! Hahaha I see it. Following!

  4. That is one of the most incredible things I've ever seen. I actually thought that was a real person at first... thanks for sharing!

  5. Man... This is getting better and better. Can't wait for another 5-10 years of research and dev. Wtf will things look like then?

  6. wow that actually blew my mind quite a bit then lol.
    Saw the guy and I was like ok don't see any motion capture equipment maybe its a whole heap of cameras detecting the movement. Then I saw a floating head. Idk if it was coz of the resolution but that looked like a real dude

  7. Nice, soon we don't know is it CGI or real person :].
